90 Second Videos

Short Topics that can spark the discussion!

30 Minute Talks Development Story 2020

30 Minute Talks - Our Story36 weeks20 + Academic Partners22 + Guest Speakers5000 + AttendeesIt was a great year!

30 Minute Talks - Our Development Story

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk, Professor Perry Hobson, and Mr. Alan Williams provide a short summary of 30 Minute Talks creation and development in 2020.

90 Seconds - The Power of Sound

Music and different sounds canhelp you studyimprove focusget projects doneand reduce overall stress!

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk shows how music and binaural beats can help you improve your overall ability to complete projects, study better, and reduce stress.

What Makes You Happy?MoneyJobFamilyRelationshipsTake time to appreciate what you have and the experiences that bring you happiness!

90 Seconds - What Makes You Happy?

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk addresses the importance of understanding those things that bring happiness to your life.

90 Seconds - Domestic Tourism

Music and Sounds can help youstudyfocuscomplete projectsand reduce stress!

Mr. Alan Williams explains the importance of locals traveling domestically to support the economy.

Stress canbe harmfulslow you down and must be managed properly.

90 Seconds - Stress

Mr. Alan Williams provides important advice on how to manage your stress levels.


90 Seconds Sketchplanations

90 Seconds is interestingeducationalmotivationaland a quick way to learn something new!

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk

Dr. Andy shares one of his favorite websites! Sketchplanations.com sends a weekly sketch that explains an interesting concept, idea, or other interesting topic. It is a free service that gives you something different to think about and learn each week. Of course, they accept small donations for their effort, but that is up to you.


Focus and Goalsare good skillshelp to complete tasksreduce procrastination and keep you on the path for future success.

90 Seconds - Focus & Goals

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk discusses the importance in learning how to focus your efforts to reach those goals you set for yourself.


90 Seconds - COVID & Masks

Wearing Masks cangive a good imagereduce transmissionshow you careas we work to end the pandemic.

Mr. Alan Williams discusses the importance of wearing a face mask during the COVID19 pandemic.


Rural Tourism isgrowingorganicin high demandas an alternative activity during the pandemic.

90 Seconds - Rural Tourism

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk and Prof. Vik Nair, from the University of the Bahamas, discuss rural tourism and share Prof. Vik Nair's new book.


90 Seconds - 30 Minute Talks Website Debut

Tour 30 Minute Talks website'shome pageacademic partnersprogram videosand other resources provided by our program.

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk gives a tour of our website and the types of resources students can find to support their online educational opportunities.


Playing Golf canbe funbe healthy expand relationshipsand position you for additional career opportunities.

90 Seconds - Play Golf?

Mr. Alan Williams and Dr. Andy Nazarechuk, both golfers, share the benefits of learning to play golf during your professional careers.


90 Seconds - Dress Code

Your clothesrepresent your positionshows how much you carecan hurt or help youwhen in an online video meeting.

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk discusses why it is important to dress approriately depending on the situation, even online!


Getting up earlygives you more timemore exercise timecan reduce stressand helps you increase your chance of success!

90 Seconds - Get Up Early

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk shares examples of successful people who get up early.


Making a 90 Second Video

Making a video can be time consumingdifficultfunbut a great skill to use in today's online world.

Mr. Alan Williams describes the process to create a 90 second video.


Motivation starts withsmall taskseasy projectsgood habitsthat help you develop a good daily routine.

90 Seconds - Clean Your Room

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk shares why small tasks can help you develop better habits that will help you suceed.


90 Seconds - Managing Online Reviews

Online Reviews canhelp yourhurt yourgrow yourbusiness.

Mr. Alan Williams and the importance of managing your social media.


Face Masksprotect youprotect othersbest defenseagainst COVID19.

90 Seconds - Face Masks

Mr. Alan Williams provide advice on how to wear your face mask properly.


90 Seconds - Webinars

Choosing which webinar to watch isconfusingdifficultimportantbut vital to using your time wisely.

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk provides his advice on the importance of watching those webinars that are a benefit to your education and to avoid those that waste time.


Accreditation is important to Identifycomparechoosea school for your education.

90 Seconds - Accreditation

Mr. Alan Williams advises students on the importance of the accreditation process.


90 Seconds - Go Local

Your customers arecloservaluableimportantand can help your business survive.

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk identifies local customers as an important base when retargeting your business marketing plans.


Virtual Backgrounds areeasyinterestinghelpfuland help you look professional.

90 Seconds - Virtual Backgrounds

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk give a quick demonstration on how you can change your video background using a green screen.


90 Seconds - Buffets

Buffets will bedifferentsafersmallerand still fun!

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk provides an example of one buffet restuarant that has changed the way it operates to offer a safer alternative to the typical buffet service style.


Re-Opening is challengingexpensiveriskybut necessary!

90 Seconds - Re-Opening

Dr. Andy Nazarechuk shares his ideas that business need to consider when re-opening as the end of the pandemic draws need.